Monteverde - Capri Blue - Ink Review

Hi all and welcome to day 17 if Duck’s Doodles Inkmas!

Today I pulled out Monteverde’s Capri Blue



This ink goes down on the wet side- I wrote with it in my Pilot Prera (fine nib) and in my Lamy AL Star (medium nib) 

The medium nib 100% lets the beautiful deep blue tone of this ink shine through, but I found it was SUPER wet.

It bled through no matter what pen I was using.

I noticed some feathering on my Leuchtturm journal I use at work, and it feathered like crazy on regular copy paper 

Dry time

The initial dry time I had was 10 seconds, but was suspicious of that. It stayed 10 seconds with my fine Prera, but was closer to 45 seconds with my medium Lamy.

Water Test

This ink isn’t waterproof or water resistant. At all. 

That’s not a bad thing since it’s not advertised to be either, but normally there’s at least a little left when water tests are done.


It’s a really nice jewel toned blue. The fine nib doesn’t do it justice, and even though it’s such a wet ink it’s worth loading it up into a wider nib and letting it dry 


It’s a nice blue! The dry time is a major drawback for me, since I usually use my pens to take quick meeting notes and therefore long dry times are a no go for me.

But, if you enjoy blues and have some time to let them dry, it’s worth the purchase

Thanks for reading, happy writing and see you tomorrow for day 18!